Saturday 31 December 2016

Louder Than War Front page analysis

Front Page Analysis - Louder Than War

The first noticeable aspect of the front page is the masthead, which reads the name of the magazine : "LOUDER THAN WAR" in capital lettering. The typography is rugged and worn, which has connotations of erosion and violence, as if something or someone has been hitting it and wearing it down. This signifies strength as despite its violence, it is still there, bold and large. This shows that the audience are reading a magazine with strong views and they won't back down, which creates a powerful brand identity. As a denotation the colour of the masthead is white, which has connotations of purity, innocence and peace. This contradicts the afore-mentioned characteristics of violence, strength and wear & tear. The word "LOUDER" is larger than the "than war" text on the right side, which is contextual imagery to physically represent how this magazine, and music in general is "LOUDER" (in this case bigger) than war. The main colour scheme for this front page is yellow, black and white, which creates brand identity.

The second most prominent feature on this page is the two models standing in the centre as the main focus point. The pair form the duo "Sleaford Mods", the name of which is shown in a handwriting style of typography on the front page around their waist height. The duo look very masculine, with short hair and one wearing a working shirt. The man on the right smokes a cigarette which shows he doesn't care about damages to his body, implying he is strong. This relates to the masthead, which idealises being strong and pushing through pain and harm. The men seem successful as one must be slightly successful at least to feature on the front page of a magazine. Therefore, the men that read this magazine will aspire to be like these two because they are fans of the indie / punk music scene and would want to be successful also. The image itself has various smudges indicating dirt and tear, such as superficial dirt marks on the man on the left's jacket and right hand. This represents the grunge and underground theme of the magazine, its different and alternative compared to the clean-cut, politically correct mainstream magazines.

The subheadings along the left side show what artists / bands are featured withing the contents of the magazine. The main text is the name of the artist e.g. "Pixies", which is a paintbrush - type font, in capital letters, in yellow. This is encased in a horizontal black rectangle, to bring out the yellow of the text. The text below is a very short piece of text briefly explaining why the artist (s) are featured in the magazine. This is in white text, also in caps, for example "We are a viable band". These help the audience to decide whether or not they want to purchase the magazine, as they want to know who is featured, and they may look at these headings and like the artist (s) therefore they purchase this magazine instead of another. On the right hand side is another heading which is also comprised of yellow font enclosed within a black box, which reads "New album new danger". This would apply to the image of the Sleaford Mods in the middle, and the heading of their name in the centre. This is important to the front page because it adds more information to help the potential customer decide whether or not they want to purchase it, they may be persuaded by the promise of the new album. "New danger" also relates to the masthead in the sense that it is about violence and harm. This reinforces the dangerous and edgy brand identity of the magazine.

The bottom section shows the names of other artists featured in the magazine, to further entice customers to read the magazine. Each band / artist name here alternates between yellow and white coloured font, to reinforce the brand's colour palette which in turn promotes the brand identity. A similar set up is featured at the very top, with three names of artists / bands. In white coloured font beneath the masthead is "Indie... Punk - Weird !" , the text between indie and punk is blocked by the right model's neck. This shows the audience that this magazine is aimed to punk and indie music, therefore they can attract the right, subjective audience. This ( like every other piece of text on the page) is in capital letters, which reinforces the brand identity. There is also a silver circle pull - out with the text inside that reads "Albums of the year " in blue and "Your essential guide" in black. These two colours have not been used for text anywhere else on the page (unless for small black text near the bar-code) which means they stand out and attention is drawn to it, especially the blue because it is a bright colour. This will also help to attract customers to the magazine because they might want to know the albums of the year, so seeing this pull out will entice them to purchase it.

On the top right, rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise is white text that promotes "WWW.LOUDERTHANWAR.COM" - the magazine's website. This in turn promotes exchange because readers will go here and react with the editors and writers, which is much easier on the internet than it is if they were to send mail. This feature is also important because magazines are a dying industry, therefore adapting and moving over to the internet is a viable option because that is where the future of news is. This way, avid fans can stay up to date with Louder Than War even if they don't have the magazine. The bar-code is in its conventional place, bottom left of the front page, as it is not in the way of any images or information, but the reader knows where it is because that is where it typically is on most magazines.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Target Audience Analysis - Louder Than War

Target Audience Analysis for Louder Than War

Product Analysis

Price - £4.99

Advertisers - Snuttock Rituals Redux album, The Stranglers Tour, Placebo Tour, Spinefarm Records, The Wonder Studd tour, The Fratellis tour, The Twang concert, Public Image concert, Jeff The Brotherhood album, Memphis industries, Curse of Lono EP,  Dr.Feelgood Vinyl, Liines tour.

Content - Interviews with popular or up & coming indie / punk artists and bands. Top 40 list of the best albums of the year. New albums on the scene. DVDs and books related to the punk / indie scene.

Market Segmentation:

Demographic - Probably within the demographic age bracket of 16-24. Fans of the indie scene are typically of a younger age and become more mainstream as time goes on and they grow older. The artists in the magazine are of that sort of age group as well, therefore those within the age bracket will aspire to be like them. The magazine does not openly sway one way or another in terms of gender and which gender it is more predominantly aimed towards, however most of the photographs within the contents of the magazine are of men, ergo it is safe to assume it is most likely aimed at male readers. Louder Than War use images of men because the male target audience will see these men their age performing indie music and they will want to aspire to be like them.

Geographic - Vaguely speaking, would be aimed towards those in the UK, as their Facebook page states that that is where the magazine is compiled and distributed. There is nowhere specifically in the UK that this magazine would be aimed directly towards. However, taking into account the typical location of indie trends, it would be safe to assume that this magazine is popular in the regions of Camden, Shoreditch, Hackney etc, which are alternative, hipster and certainly indie places.

Benefits - The target reader will read this magazine because they want to add to their already established knowledge of indie and punk music. They want to know the whereabouts and timings of upcoming concerts and tours involving artists within the genre. From reading this magazine they will find out about new and upcoming artists that they may not have heard about previously. They will also benefit from the top 40 album list, as they can add more music to their collection.

Psychographic - Probably are busy people with blossoming social lives, especially if they do live and operate in and around trendy locations such as Camden. Could still be in university with musical aspirations. They presumably have a trendy, alternative style to their lodgings, which is probably a flat because most young people (especially those leaving University) wont have sufficient funds to purchase a house. 

Behaviouristic - Maybe described to be like a Hipster in the sense that they are always ahead of the trends, they don't want to go out of style. But at the same time they are alternative and individual and they follow their own styles and preferences. Would probably not purchase this magazine on a monthly / bi-monthly subscription, but instead once every 3-4 months or so as an infrequent, somewhat luxury purchase. Spends time in the unique, underground scenes in London or Manchester.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Music Magazine Analysis - Louder Than War

Music Magazine Analysis

Magazine : Louder Than War

Approx Age Range of Audience : 
16-24. This is because there is nothing to insinuate that it is for the older generations. The ruggedness of the masthead implies it is for younger generations, as they are stereotypically more violent, somewhat less gentle.

Gender of Audience : 
There are two very masculine looking men on the front cover might imply it is aimed at men, because they want to be as ‘manly’ as them. Scrolling through the pages shows that there are significantly more men featured in photos than there are women, therefore it may be that the target gender in mind for 'Louder Than War' is male, as the men that read the magazine obviously like indie / punk music, therefore they will undoubtedly want to aspire to be like the successful male indie / punk artists featured in this magazine.

Genres of music they like : 
The audience would definitely like genres such as indie and punk because those words are featured on the front page in white writing beneath the masthead. The genres are alternative because there are evidently no mainstream artists featured within the contents of this magazine.

Examples of favourite bands/artists : 
Bands / Artists featured (therefore favourites among the punk / indie music community) include : Flaming Lips, Slaves, Pixies, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, The Breeders, Echobelly, The Pop Group, Throwing Muses, Las Kellies, Goat, Wardruna, Gang of Four and Peter Doherty,

Types of clothes they wear : 
Because the audience of Louder Than War are evidently part of the indie / punk community they would wear what any other punk / indie fan would wear. These include : 

Types of jobs the audience might have :
The price of the magazine is £4.99, which is not overly expensive, therefore those not earning lots and lots would still be able to purchase this bimonthly. The adverts within the magazine do not advertise anything remotely professional, therefore it is not straight-forward to gauge what jobs the audience may have. Seeing as their culture style is different, they might not be inclined to work a 9-5 office job, therefore they may have more alternative, lower paid jobs such as working in shops or maybe even manual labour jobs. On the other hand, they will probably have the same jobs as others despite their different music tastes, These include; teachers, auditors, policemen etc.

Hobbies / Interests : 
Over the course of this research and planning phase, I have got a basic overview of the characteristics and lifestyle of the target audience of Louder Than War - indie / punk interested people. Their hobbies would presumably include going to indie / punk concerts to watch their favourite artists mentioned prior. They would also be interested in fashion, shown two questions earlier. But ultimately, seeing as they are readers of a music magazine, they would first and foremost be interested in punk and indie music.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Brand Eye - Louder Than War

In order to create my magazine aimed at certain audiences, I must first grasp an understanding of different audiences of various music magazines. Firstly, I created a brand eye to analyse what types of consumers will read this magazine.

Friday 23 December 2016

Louder Than War

The first music magazine that I will be analysing as part of my main task research and planning exercise is an indie/punk magazine called "Louder Than War", in specifics ; Issue 7. This photo shows what the front page looks like, photo taken by me.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

What I will do

In order to progress well throughout my main task, I must undergo extensive research and planning on music magazines. I will analyse two music magazines in depth.

Friday 16 December 2016

Action Plan

The preliminary task acted as a practice for my main task. Any mistakes I made during the preliminary course will be helpful because I can hopefully learn from them and improve whilst completing the main task.

My previous blog post showcased how I would mark my own preliminary task using the marking criteria for G321. It is evident that some of the aspects of the work that I could have improved on were how I used various technological platforms to explain and evaluate my work. I can build on this for the main task, as I could use screen recording software to record videos of the exact step-by-step way that I produced pieces of work. I could also use voice recordings when evaluating because that would differ from the usual slideshows and presentations.

Another idea that would benefit my coursework in the main task would be to shoot better composed, more thought provoking, and indeed higher quality and resolution photographs for my magazine pages. This is because in the preliminary task I shot photos on my mobile phone, therefore they were neither professional nor decent quality. For the main task I will hopefully use a DSLR camera to take better photos, and arrange my models in different ways.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Marking work using criteria

In the previous lesson, I marked other Media AS students' work using the marking criteria. Now, I will mark my own work using the same criteria. Because I have not started the main task, I will only be addressing the preliminary task.

Sunday 11 December 2016

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In order to create a good front and contents page for my college magazine in my preliminary task, I undertook research in order to make sure my magazine was conventional, in the sense that it follows the codes and conventions of usual college magazines. To do this, I modelled the template of my own pages on established, existing pages.

 This is the original front page that I modelled mine on. As the construction became more detailed, I decided to stray away from the original model. The masthead of the title at the top is still the same, which is at the top and pushed to the left. However, I changed it slightly by putting the features on the bottom, and not on the left hand side.

On the left here is the existing college magazine contents page that I intended to model mine on. It is still similar in regards to where everything is, however the details themselves are different, which shows I kept to and followed conventions of college magazines. For example, the contents masthead at the top is in a similar place however mine is slightly centred. The contents themselves are on the right, while the images are on the right, which is the same as the original. However in the original the page numbers are on the left of the contents names, whereas in mine they are on the right. The colour scheme is also similar, which is beneficial because my colour scheme matches the brand identity of the college that this magazine is aimed at.

Tuesday 6 December 2016


I will now begin evaluating the front page and contents page of my preliminary task. I will be evaluating separate sections by trying to display it on different technological platforms such as a slide show.

Friday 2 December 2016

Final Prelim Magazine Pages

I have now completed my two magazine pages, the Front Page and the Contents Page.

This is my Front Page :

This is my Contents Page :