Friday 16 December 2016

Action Plan

The preliminary task acted as a practice for my main task. Any mistakes I made during the preliminary course will be helpful because I can hopefully learn from them and improve whilst completing the main task.

My previous blog post showcased how I would mark my own preliminary task using the marking criteria for G321. It is evident that some of the aspects of the work that I could have improved on were how I used various technological platforms to explain and evaluate my work. I can build on this for the main task, as I could use screen recording software to record videos of the exact step-by-step way that I produced pieces of work. I could also use voice recordings when evaluating because that would differ from the usual slideshows and presentations.

Another idea that would benefit my coursework in the main task would be to shoot better composed, more thought provoking, and indeed higher quality and resolution photographs for my magazine pages. This is because in the preliminary task I shot photos on my mobile phone, therefore they were neither professional nor decent quality. For the main task I will hopefully use a DSLR camera to take better photos, and arrange my models in different ways.

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