Thursday 29 December 2016

Target Audience Analysis - Louder Than War

Target Audience Analysis for Louder Than War

Product Analysis

Price - £4.99

Advertisers - Snuttock Rituals Redux album, The Stranglers Tour, Placebo Tour, Spinefarm Records, The Wonder Studd tour, The Fratellis tour, The Twang concert, Public Image concert, Jeff The Brotherhood album, Memphis industries, Curse of Lono EP,  Dr.Feelgood Vinyl, Liines tour.

Content - Interviews with popular or up & coming indie / punk artists and bands. Top 40 list of the best albums of the year. New albums on the scene. DVDs and books related to the punk / indie scene.

Market Segmentation:

Demographic - Probably within the demographic age bracket of 16-24. Fans of the indie scene are typically of a younger age and become more mainstream as time goes on and they grow older. The artists in the magazine are of that sort of age group as well, therefore those within the age bracket will aspire to be like them. The magazine does not openly sway one way or another in terms of gender and which gender it is more predominantly aimed towards, however most of the photographs within the contents of the magazine are of men, ergo it is safe to assume it is most likely aimed at male readers. Louder Than War use images of men because the male target audience will see these men their age performing indie music and they will want to aspire to be like them.

Geographic - Vaguely speaking, would be aimed towards those in the UK, as their Facebook page states that that is where the magazine is compiled and distributed. There is nowhere specifically in the UK that this magazine would be aimed directly towards. However, taking into account the typical location of indie trends, it would be safe to assume that this magazine is popular in the regions of Camden, Shoreditch, Hackney etc, which are alternative, hipster and certainly indie places.

Benefits - The target reader will read this magazine because they want to add to their already established knowledge of indie and punk music. They want to know the whereabouts and timings of upcoming concerts and tours involving artists within the genre. From reading this magazine they will find out about new and upcoming artists that they may not have heard about previously. They will also benefit from the top 40 album list, as they can add more music to their collection.

Psychographic - Probably are busy people with blossoming social lives, especially if they do live and operate in and around trendy locations such as Camden. Could still be in university with musical aspirations. They presumably have a trendy, alternative style to their lodgings, which is probably a flat because most young people (especially those leaving University) wont have sufficient funds to purchase a house. 

Behaviouristic - Maybe described to be like a Hipster in the sense that they are always ahead of the trends, they don't want to go out of style. But at the same time they are alternative and individual and they follow their own styles and preferences. Would probably not purchase this magazine on a monthly / bi-monthly subscription, but instead once every 3-4 months or so as an infrequent, somewhat luxury purchase. Spends time in the unique, underground scenes in London or Manchester.

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