Monday 6 February 2017

Double page spread XXL analysis

Semiotic Analysis for XXL Double Page Spread

The main cvi of these pages are the two ladies pictured. They both show direct address, by staring straight into the camera, which shows rebellion and subverts dominant ideology that women are weak and powerless. This conveys a sense of power and pride, which creates a strong brand identity and appeals to women readers. Both females are also black which contradicts hegemonic values about race in modern day supposedly patriarchal society which some say favours white males, and here we have the binary opposite, two empowered black women.

The background colour is a solid white canvas which contrasts with the black text that lies upon it. The headlines are in red which have connotations of power, passion and strength, which reinforce the afore-mentioned ideals of the women being powerful and strong individuals. The red on the white show a contrast.

On the right hand page there is a pull quote at the top in black bold text which shows that it is important and needs to be seen. This shows that this is an important magazine and it appeals to its target audience as the boldness shows power and strength.

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