Seeing as my genre is Pop / Rock, I will have to interpret the rock genre and include that in my photographic Mise en Scene.
I will take photos this commencing week of a male teenager, my brother, to be specific. I will take the photos at home because I have a DSLR camera at home and I know how to use one efficiently, therefore I do not need the help of someone at college in the photography studio.
Because my genre is rock I will have my model standing with a vinyl record in one hand and a mobile phone in the other. This will be to signify the difference in music over the ages. The vinyl he will be holding will be of pop rock music, such as Bowie or the Beatles. I will turn the model into a rock & roll star, as that is what people will want to see on a front page of a magazine, a successful young singer that they can aspire to be. The story behind the images is that he is a famous, young rock singer that is talking to my magazine about the evolution of how people listen to pop rock music, hence why he is holding a vinyl and a mobile phone.
To show the genre of rock music I will incorporate a guitar into the shot. This is to show that it is a pop rock music magazine, as if it was a genre like techno or house, it would be a soundboard / keyboard. To reinforce the pop rock genre theme my model will wear clothing typically found in pop rock culture, such as the white shirt and black tie made famous by the Beatles:

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