Thursday 10 November 2016

School Magazine Name Decision

For my preliminary task, I am creating a college magazine, therefore in that case I must create a magazine name. It must be unique, not a name already in use, because I want my magazine to have it's own brand identity, and the name is a big factor within the overall identity of the brand I am trying to establish.

Hence, I have decided to name the magazine :

The Heath Times
I have chosen this name because "The Heath" is in regards to the surname of the college that this magazine will be distributed in, Rooks Heath. Having parts of the unique college name in the magazine name will entice the students to read it because they know it is aimed at them. It is also used because it creates an exclusive brand identity.
I chose "Times" because it is a commonly used and conventional newspaper / magazine name, which tells the consumers that this is a magazine. The phrase "Times" conveys someone documenting what is happening at the current time, and what is happening over time. This will be helpful in a school magazine as the purpose of it is to inform the audience what is happening in their area / environment, at that given time.

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