Friday 11 November 2016

Magazine Name Masthead

Since I have decided that my magazine name will be The Heath Times, I must now create a masthead, using typography skills I have learnt previously in the course. I will brainstorm different typography sets to establish which one is my favourite, and the one that will ultimately be used on the magazine front page.

Choice 1 :
This is the first masthead that I may use. The font is Franklin Gothic Medium Cond. The "Heath" is in blue because as I decided earlier in my house style blog entry that my colour scheme is blue and black.

Choice 2 :

This is the second masthead I may use. The font is Orator STD. This typography is different to the first one because this has a black background. The font colour is light blue. The black background has connotations of mystery and suspense, which conveys to the idea of a magazine, in which it is suspenseful about what is inside.

Choice 3 :

This is the final masthead option I have. The typography is different to the first two because this has a light blue background with black text. This is the colour scheme for my magazine, which I stated in my house style blog entry. The typography is powerful and bold, which conveys power and knowledge, traits which apply to my school magazine - because it will have the power to inform people on what is happening in the college, and be able to give them knowledge too.

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