Thursday 10 November 2016

House Style : School Magazine

I have decided on a house style for my school / college magazine, for my preliminary task.

  - The font that I will be using is trebuchet, as it is a solid font type, and different from the usual font choices such as Calibri and Arial .

  - The colour scheme of my magazine will be black and blue. This is because the colour blue has connotations of depth and stability, two traits which a school magazine strives for, depth in content and articles. Blue also symbolizes other characteristics a school should have such as confidence, wisdom and intelligence. These colours should help to subconsciously motivate the college students to work harder at school due to these wise and aspiring connotations.

  - The mode of address for this college magazine will be friendly and supportive. The aim of the magazine is to connect with and inform the students, therefore I do not want the tone of it to be aggressive and demanding. This way, the students will be more likely to read the content and to react positively by discussing and providing constructive criticism on how to make the college better.

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