Saturday 24 September 2016

Nat Geo Kids Mag Analysis

Nat Geo Kids Mag : Analysis

Firstly, it is evident that this magazine's target audience is children, because there is a large masthead exclaiming "KiDS" across the top of the page. This is effective because it catches the eyes of children as it is bold and big. It is also light green, which is a soft colour with connotations of nature, which is the main theme of Natural Geographic, therefore it helps reinforce brand identity. The typography of the masthead is bubble writing with soft, curved edges, which opposes the hard, bold typography used on magazines with older intended audiences.

The colour of the border is yellow, which is synonymous with National Geographic, therefore it teaches a child that when they see the yellow border, they know they are looking at a National Geographic magazine. Yellow works well because it has connotations of warmth, happiness and sunshine, which are all things that children love at their young age - therefore they will be more inclined to want the magazine as the colour yellow appeals to them, and at that young age they will judge how much they like something based on the colours and photos, as they cannot read yet.

This idea links to the big image of the panda in the middle. This photograph is used because pandas are seen by many to be cute animals, therefore children especially will be more inclined to want to read it. It is the main image on the page because children prefer images to text, therefore a large image of a panda will be more appealing to them than a chunk of text.

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