Tuesday 14 March 2017

Front cover decisions

This front cover has anthem in red which is conventional in pop rock magazines, as red has connotations of passion, anger etc. The masthead is pushed to the upper left hand side because that is where mastheads are conventionally found on magazine covers, and this is a good place to put it as it is where the human eye is naturally drawn to.

However, this is the front page I will be going with because it subverts typical front page stereotypes. This sets the tone of the magazine, that it is different and doesn't follow the crowd, which is something that my target audience will aspire to do. The white masthead stands out more than the red one which draws the eye to the page more than the red does. The image is pushed over to the left which makes it more interesting to look at, and holds the audience's attention for longer than it would have been has it been centred like in the first picture.

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