Saturday 28 January 2017

MixMag Contents Page Analysis

Contents Page Semiotic Analysis : MixMag

The contents page reinforces the white and black colour palette featured on the afore-mentioned front page. This creates brand identity which increases customer satisfaction because they become more involved with the brand image. The background is a solid black shade, and the white text creates a stark contrast, therefore the white text is clear and easy to read and understand. 

The top of the page is a horizontally aligned silver rectangle, and inside it reads "JANUARY 2017" which shows what month this issue was released. On the right side of the rectangle is  " c o n t e n t s" in lower case silver font. This tells the audience that this is the contents page, in which they can find which article is found on what page.

The CVI for this page would be the image in the top right, with the caption "KHRIS COWLEY", which is an image that relates to an article featured later on in the magazine.

The contents are split into three sections. " Front" (which is on the left hand side, and features the articles found in the first section of the magazine), "Features" (which is in the centre of the page, and features the featured articles that are not recurring monthly, such as the front page artist The Black Madonna) and "Back (which is on the right hand side and features articles found in the latter stages of the magazine).

For each article on the page, the article title is written in a bold silver text, and a brief summary of what the article entails is shown below in a plain silver text. The recurring use of silver coloured text creates a subtle but effective medium between the black and whites used previously on the MixMag brand identity colour palette. The page number that relates to each article is found to the left of the article title and description, in a white text.

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