Thursday 3 November 2016

School Magazines Survey Analysis

I have received 16 respondents' answers on my survey since I published it on the 31st Oct, 4 days ago. I will now analyse my findings and adapt the data into my own work, and how this somewhat focus group can aid me in my own school magazine construction.

Evidently here, the most popular hobby spent in these college students' free time is social media, with 6 responses and 35% of the overall tally.

This means that it would be beneficial to include some sort of social media link or aspect in my school magazine, in order to get the attention of the readers.

It is obvious here that the overwhelming favourite for whether or not college students are going to University is "Yes", with 12/16 votes, and 75% of the poll.

Therefore, in my own school magazine, I will attempt to include aspects of university life.This can be content such as information about different universities, and help with personal statements for university.

The following question was what college students enjoyed reading in a school magazine, because that would give me guidance on what content to include that would tailor to their liking.

The most popular choices were upcoming events and trips, therefore I will include these aspects in my magazine. I will feature trips that the college is expecting, and upcoming events that will be of interest to the college students e.g. fund raisers and charity events.

Here it shows that the most majority favourite thing about sixth form from students is the independence and freedom that comes with being in college. 

Because of this, I will use my magazine to highlight certain aspects of independence in college, possibly I could include tips on how to study on ones own, and similar independence related pieces of advice and tips.

It is evident in the answers to this question that the most common aspect of sixth form that students dislike is the amount of work that they have to complete, now that they are in college and are doing A Levels, BTECs etc.

Therefore in my school magazine I will include ways to make the workload seem lighter, and to reduce the students' stress. I will give advice on how to manage time properly and efficiently so that the students can get all their work done and not have to worry as much.

The next question was what the college students wanted to be when they grew up / what they wanted to be when they finished education. The answers were mainly white collar, stereotypically well-paid jobs such as accountant, stock broker and economist etc.

Because of these results, I will continue to add information into my magazine about universities and career paths, to help them stay on track towards their respective goals.

My penultimate question to the college students was what gender they identified as. The results of this would ultimately help me to identify and understand my target audience, those who are reading my college magazine.

Obviously I cannot tailor the design and content towards females, just because that was the most popular gender of my target audience. However, the results were close, as there were 5 boys and 6 girls, therefore its a relatively even split. Therefore my magazine will be unisex, it will apply and be available to all genders.

My final question was what extra curricular activities college students take part in. The data from this question would help me to further understand my target audience's characteristics and personalities.

The most popular choice was that they don't take part in any extra curricular activities. Therefore in my magazine I will highlight what goes on in the sports extra curricular activities, as this option was second most popular, with 3 responses. Hopefully this will entice the majority of 8 respondents who denied taking part in activities, to go and take part. It would also be beneficial to include information about other extra curricular activities, as that would further entice the college students to get involved with the scheme.

In conclusion, the replies to my survey have helped me to grasp a better understanding of my target audience, which well help when constructing a school magazine, aimed at college students.

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