Monday 31 October 2016

My School Magazines Survey

Here is the link to my questionnaire on School Magazines, on SurveyMonkey. I aim to get at least 10 respondents.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Target Audience Analysis : Runner's World

Target audience analysis for Runner's World (Feb 2015 Issue)

Product Analysis :

Price - £4.50

Advertisers - sweatshop running retailer, Nike air zoom, Muller light, skins clothing, new balance trainers, lucozade, parkrun strava, mbna chester marathon, American Pistachios,  activinstinct, British heart foundation, The British 10k London run, prodirect, RockEurope marathons, lumie alarm clock, guide dogs, asics, trailblazer, jcp half marathon, brain tumour research,

Promotions and Competitions - Lucozade collect codes - get kit, Edinburgh marathon, New York running movements - Run tribes, 6 Issues for £9.99 subscription offers for Runner's world, The new complete guide to women's running from Runner's world.

Content - Tips for new runners, advice on how to sustain a run and to get motivated, food ideas, stories from professional runners, inspirational weight loss stories, places around the world to run.

Market Segmentation :

Demographic - 20-60, because running is common among younger members of society, however there are inspirational stories about older people running, therefore it is aimed at elderly as well. Would have a decent paid job in order to pay £4.50 for a magazine, or it may have been purchased by a family member or friend of the consumer, who believe they would want to read this magazine.

Geographic - Aimed at people around the world, hence how the name is Runner's World. This shows it is universal, and everyone can read it. However, this issue is primarily for citizens residing in the UK, as on the footers of most pages, there is a link to the magazine's website,, hence it is aimed at UK citizens. The spine of the magazine says Hearst - Rodale UK, reinforcing the fact it is available only in the UK. Aimed nowhere specifically in the UK.

Benefits - A consumer will read this magazine because they are either experienced runners or those interested in becoming a runner. An experienced runner would want to read this because they want tips on how to improve their skills and knowledge. They also read it because it contains locations of where they may want to run in the future. A novice runner would want to read this magazine because it provides advice for new-comers, and tips on how to improve their running overall. Runners of all expertise would read this because it showcases healthy food ideas, which are helpful as runners will presumably want to stay healthy and in shape.

Psychographic - Would probably have a bit of spare time in their lives, hence how they are aspiring to run. This magazine is not hipster or alternative, it is seemingly mainstream and inclusive, therefore the ideal consumer is not extremely specific. The target reader is someone interested in running, and has a fair amount of money to pay for running gear and to pay for this magazine in particular.

Behaviouristic - The target reader would often purchase Runner's World on subscription, because they want to keep up with the latest running news every month. Many consumers would purchase this magazine in the effort to make it seem like they are going to be healthy, but in the end not end up running at all. The behaviour of this target audience are somewhat mainstream characteristics, in the sense that they have simpler, wider tastes - because they did not choose to read a more niche, alternative magazine that is focused on one aspect of running. 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

My school magazine questionnaire

Since my draft of questions on paper, I have now put them onto a questionnaire on survey monkey, and I will analyse my results. My survey received 16 respondents. These are my results before I have processed and analysed the data.

Monday 24 October 2016

Questionnaire drafted questions

These are the questions I will use when I design my questionnaire for college students. These are in a rough draft format on paper as I am yet to complete the design of my survey.

Sunday 23 October 2016

School Magazine Survey Decision

I have decided that my survey / questionnaire will be aimed at sixth formers / those in college, therefore I will compile a list of questions suitable to ask them regarding school magazines.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Typography Experimenting

I have been learning how to pair fonts to create interesting typography. I have used a quote by Elbert Hubbard to test out different forms of typography:

I used different fonts to somehow give the quotes different connotations and meanings. For example for the second one, the font is child-like and somewhat playful, which makes the quote seem immature and something that children and teenagers would be enticed to read.
On the other hand, the third font pairing has capital letters and serifs, with bold lettering. This has connotations of serious and severe information, which contrasts with the first and second typography sets.

Friday 21 October 2016

School Magazine Research

School Magazine research
In order to create a school magazine for my preliminary task, I must first grasp a basic understanding of what is featured in them and how they work. In order to understand this, I researched existing and established school newspapers/magazines, my source was the internet.
This is an example I found from the internet, of a school magazine front page. The colour scheme is blue, white and black - presumably the school colours.
The masthead is 'Wildcats Today', the nickname and mascot of this school is probably Wildcats. 'Today' is a conventional newspaper name, which symbolises how the news is fresh and up-to-date. The school logo/emblem is in the upper right hand corner, which confirms which school this magazine is for.
On the left hand side there is a strip showcasing the articles featured in this issue, a feature conventionally used in magazines. In the centre of the front page are two articles, presumably the two most-important and sought-after features, hence why they are placed on the front page where everyone can see.
My magazine will be aimed at sixth-formers, between the ages of 16 and 18. This research will help me to gain inspiration for what I should use when producing my own school magazine. I will include a name that represents the school identity, combined with the colour scheme synonymous with the college, in the same way as this magazine.

Thursday 20 October 2016

inDesign magazine recreation so far

This is the magazine cover that I am attempting to recreate.
This is what I have achieved so far as of 20/10/16, which is my first lesson learning how to use the Adobe InDesign cs6 software. I have completed the masthead, however I still have to input the image of Kendall Jenner, the barcode, and the names on the bottom.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Target Audience Analysis : The Photography Journal

Target Audience Analysis for the British Journal of Photography

Product Analysis:
Price - £9.99
Advertisers - Trioplan lens, Nikon D5, Macdougal's photography auction, Zeiss Batis Lens, Ben Uri Gallery exhibition, T.J Boulting exhibition, wetransfer, free range graduate art and design season, Nottingham Uni Emerge photo exhibition, Point101 print and framing, Bob Books photo books, Elinchrom camera accessories, PhotoEspana photo festivatal, Wex photographic camera products, Fixation sensor cleaning, The Film Press film image duplication, layerspace photography websites, Dale Photographic camera sales, camera trading, city lit education, Nissin flash, Nottingham uni show.

Promotions & Competitions - BJP Subscription (x3),  BJP on the app store, BJP advertising opportunities.

Content - Photos from up and coming photographers, established photographers' images, themed articles supported by photos.

Market Segmentation:

Demographic - 18-30 presumably with a decent paid job, as this magazine is priced at £9.99 which is expensive in comparison to other magazines, therefore they must have a well-paying job in order to pay for it.

Geographic - Vaguely, would be from the UK, as the magazine itself is the "British Journal of Photography". More specifically, would be aimed at south east London and trendy locations such as Hackney, Camden and Shoreditch because this contains photo exhibition details.

Benefits - The target reader will purchase and browse this magazine because they want inspiration and influence on how to improve their photography skills and techniques, because this magazine showcases other newcomer's photographs. They will also be willing to attend photography exhibitions to further expand their knowledge of photography.

Psychographic - Most likely to have free time, hence how they have the time to read this magazine and are aspiring to take photos. Presumably possess trendy items and clothing that keep up with latest societal trends. At an age where they probably have come out of University and are renting a modern flat in the city, assumable London.

Behaviouristic - Would be described by some to be what is known as a "Hipster" - keeps ahead of the trends and never goes out of style. Purchases the magazine as an infrequent buy, not on subscription, presumably because they don't wish to use all their money on it. Spends money on alternative trends such as unique bars and scenes in the city.