Friday 21 October 2016

School Magazine Research

School Magazine research
In order to create a school magazine for my preliminary task, I must first grasp a basic understanding of what is featured in them and how they work. In order to understand this, I researched existing and established school newspapers/magazines, my source was the internet.
This is an example I found from the internet, of a school magazine front page. The colour scheme is blue, white and black - presumably the school colours.
The masthead is 'Wildcats Today', the nickname and mascot of this school is probably Wildcats. 'Today' is a conventional newspaper name, which symbolises how the news is fresh and up-to-date. The school logo/emblem is in the upper right hand corner, which confirms which school this magazine is for.
On the left hand side there is a strip showcasing the articles featured in this issue, a feature conventionally used in magazines. In the centre of the front page are two articles, presumably the two most-important and sought-after features, hence why they are placed on the front page where everyone can see.
My magazine will be aimed at sixth-formers, between the ages of 16 and 18. This research will help me to gain inspiration for what I should use when producing my own school magazine. I will include a name that represents the school identity, combined with the colour scheme synonymous with the college, in the same way as this magazine.

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