Wednesday 5 April 2017

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As previously stated in my coursework blog, my target audience are 15-30 year olds, interested in Rock n Roll and pop music (because this magazine is based around Pop and Rock), liking bands such as the Beatles and Coldplay. They would read the magazine because it makes them happy that they have learnt something new about pop rock and the people within the community. It also shows they enjoy reading about the latest news regarding pop rock music, that they are interested in this genre. They read it to keep up to date with the latest goings on of the rock and pop community.

This is further outlined in my brand eye research task, which I created in the research and planning stage of my main task. I created this to understand more the type of people that would read my magazine; my target audience.

As well as a brand eye, I also created a target audience analysis to pinpoint exactly who I aimed my magazine towards. I believe I have tailored this magazine towards my target audience, and this will be further explained in detailed annotation on the upcoming evaluation blog posts.

In my target audience analysis I detailed such things as the clothes they would wear, which in this case would be mainstreamed clothes, seeing as pop rock is somewhat seen as a mainstream music genre, the type of genre everybody listens to, without much defined, eccentric culture to support it. Therefore the types of clothes they would wear are items such as shirt and jeans, just typical everyday wear. Seeing as the target audience are 15-30 I presumed that the majority of the audience would not be in a position of seniority or management yet, therefore they have more low level jobs such as retail.

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