Tuesday 21 February 2017

Pop Rock Research

In order to understand my genre more, which is pop rock, I must analyse a magazine that focuses purely on that genre, such as this:
This is the front cover for a pop rock magazine. The model, legendary guitarist Jimi Hendrix, is wearing a smart shirt and blazer. These are smart clothes and makes him look somewhat professional. This is what I was going for when I took photos of my model with a shirt and tie. In this image, Hendrix is in a suit with no tie and top button not done up, which shows he is smart but at the same time conveys his rugged, wild side. This is the same thing I did, as my model wore a shirt and tie but did not tuck in his shirt, which also shows he has a rugged, wild side to his character.
The masthead which says classic rock is covered by Hendrix' head which shows he is important and powerful. The masthead is red which has connotations of power and strength which reinforces the idea that he is a strong character.

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