Thursday 26 January 2017

MixMag Target Audience Analysis

Target Audience Analysis for MixMag

Product Analysis

Price - £4.95

Advertisers - voidacoustics, blocks shape music, yolkax clothing, drum and bass annual 2017, awakenings festival, lost and found festival, hmv vinyl, native instrument machines, LTN beats, o2 music management, sonof8 music, mixon4 high performance hybrid controller.

Content - Big tunes, London's brand new 50,000 capacity venue, New artists, Scene / Clubs, Scene / Live, Scene / Festivals, The life, Sneaker love, Best of 2016, Hottest gear of 2016, Albums, Label focus, Dj history, Industry insider.

Market Segmentation:

Demographic - Nothing to indicate that this magazine is aimed at either gender, therefore it is unisex. Readers may be in the age bracket demographic of 18 -30 because this magazine's music genres are primarily dance music and club culture - two genres which are above the age of 16 (because you have to be 18+ to attend most clubs in the UK.

Geographic - This magazine is distributed internationally, because on the banner on the front page, there is a price for the UK and INT (International) . In the UK, this magazine would be presumably popular in all the major cities e.g.  London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds etc. because it is aimed towards those who like club culture, and all major cities have a dance scene.

Benefits - The target reader will read this magazine because they want to know more about the new and upcoming artists and albums from the dance music & club culture genre. The benefits are that they know more about upcoming events and festivals due to the advertisements listed previously.

Psychographic - Presumably still in university, as lots of people that study in university have prominent, outgoing social lives which usually involve clubbing and drinking. Rather mainstream, and might share a flat / apartment with friends because they can't afford an actual one.

Behaviouristic - More of a mainstream audience than the audience for Louder Than War. They follow the latest trends and don't want to go out of style, therefore they follow this magazine religiously in order to stay up to date on the latest artists, festivals and albums so that they can stay ahead of their peers. Would purchase the magazine monthly in order to satisfy their need to stay in the know and on top of trends. Spends time in clubs within major cities in the UK.

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