Wednesday 28 September 2016

Teen Vogue : Front Page Analysis

Teen Vogue : Front Page Analysis

It is evident straight away from looking at this magazine front cover, that it's target audience is teenage girls, specifically those with an interest in fashion and celebrities. This is obvious because the masthead, and subsequent name of the magazine is "Teen Vogue" , the Teen therefore implying it is aimed at teenagers. Teen Vogue is evidently a subsidiary magazine of Vogue, which shows the brand is attempting to reach out to younger audiences who wouldn't usually read the normal Vogue magazine.

The colour scheme is predominantly pink, orange, black and white. The main image is of Rihanna, who's appearance on the front page will attract teenage girls as she is seen as an icon for them as she is very popular at the moment. She is in a pink dress, which has connotations of girls, innocence and children. This further reinforces the afore-mentioned theory that this magazine is aimed at teenage girls. She is not showing any cleavage or anything remotely sexual, which conveys the idea that this is aimed at younger, less mature audiences. 

Rihanna is not shot in line with the male gaze, as she is giving direct address to the camera, and she is not shown in a recumbent position that usually conveys vulnerability. This idea that she is not weak or vulnerable is used effectively because it is in a teenage girl's magazine, therefore this will inspire young women to be strong and independent (because there is no man on the front cover supporting her) which benefits the brand image that Teen Vogue is an inspiration to girls.

The featured articles shown on the borders of the magazine are the kind of news articles that would appeal to teenage girls, as they are not about tragic world news or presidential debates, but about dresses and breakups. This shows that Teen Vogue is a light-hearted magazine, which provides light relief reading. One of the features is about getting a job, which reinforces the previous point that Teen Vogue are projecting their brand image in the direction of inspiring young women to be strong and independent. Therefore, teenage girls will see this magazine and will be more inclined to want to get a job, because they read it in a magazine aimed at their age and social demographic.

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